Saturday, November 29, 2008

LoSe iN PrOuD


Hahahaha....hari ini hari semi final grup a buat SMAM ENGLISH RANGERS....jelas saja kami selalu optimis buat menang...kita SMAM ENGLISH RANGERS iiiaang jelas terdiri dari 20 orang yang bisa dibilang oke lah in English (hehehe dasar narsis).....
Tau gag ceh km 20 Rangers iianh telah di rekrut buat perang di medan perang??????????
they are the great peoplo who have a great work team, of course!!!!!!

And they Are : Diah,Himma,Fina,Me,Diba,Mita,Habib,Apip,Riko,Shofi,Vhita,Cici,Nanda,Suci,Afri,Athian,Yudha,Rinda..
And Our great teacher : Mr.Khuluq and Mrs.Sifa..


in selection section we defeated SMA N 21 SBY and SMA Kedamean GRS....we were very happy..cause we made it..

in today in semi final..after we trained with our beloved teacher..we have more confidents to defeat the next team was SMA IPIEMS SBY....

and after that..our rival be more difficult..with their good skills in english and have many knowledges..but we still had spirits to defeat them...after the time...actually the TRIMURTI won the game...

we didn't cry...we proud...we proud with our team work n spirits that we produced...

and miss for this moment again with my beloved SMAM ENGLISH RANGERS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ciciel...
    jadi inget nih masa-masa latian kita di aula, perpus,kelas IB, (muter2 deh pokoknya..). so, i really miss you all guys...
    gak bisa tak ungkapin lewat kata2 deh,,,,
    yg jelas,,, i never will be forget this moment...
